Please respect our appointment policy. We know that life is full of surprises and unexpected situations. We believe that you do respect us as professionals as much as we respect you as our valuable clients. By making a booking you acknowledge and adhere to the Appointment policy. Thank you for understanding.
Mutual Respect, our appointments start and finish on time. If you happen to arrive late for your appointment, we will utilize the time you still have left as best as possible, and you will be charged a full fee.
In line with recommendations from the Monash Council Health Department, we advise that children should not be allowed on the premises. Our open floor plan clinic contains exercise equipment, dry needling tools, and other potential hazards that could pose risks to children. Thank you for your understanding.
For example, if you book a 75-minute treatment and decide to shorten it to 60 minutes on the day of your appointment, you will still be charged the original 75-minute rate. Time is valuable in our line of work, and we want to ensure that other clients don’t miss out unnecessarily.
If you want to switch your appointment with family or friends, you must let us know early before their arrival, because we need time to have a look their previous treatment record forms before therapy. This ensures the best treatment possible within the appointment time.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment , please let us know as soon as possible, we need 48 hours before or earlier to give other customers the chance to book that time slot and so that we do not lose the benefits of our own work efforts.
We do not like imposing financial penalties on you, however if you…
Let us down (cancel or reschedule appointment) more than 2 times with less than 48 hours’ notice OR without an Event of Force Majeure, you will no longer be able to book an appointment in advance.
Once we reach this point we will put you on our WAITING LIST and notify you the day before OR on the day with available appointments so that you can “make up” your original missed appointment (no cancellation/reschedule appointment fee required). Otherwise you can continue booking appointments freely in advance by accepting to pay the 50% / 60% / 70% cancellation/reschedule appointment fee.
* 50% cancellation/reschedule appointment fee : less than 48 hours’ notice
* 60% cancellation/reschedule appointment fee : less than 24 hours’ notice
* 70% cancellation/reschedule appointment fee : less than 12 hours’ notice
Cancel or Change time Please email or message us:
Sebastian' Email:
Janie' Email:
If 1 time NO SHOW , (Not notified within 10 minutes of your appointment time) , you can't make an appointment anymore, unless you can accept to pay 100% NO SHOW fee.
As we are a small family business with limited space and no reception staff or waiting room area , we kindly ask you to attend your appointment alone if possible and ask that you Please don't come EARLY or LATE, just come ON TIME & RING the doorbell.
For first time (Initial) visiting clients, when you make an appointment, Please download the PDF - FORM from our website home page & fill it in, then email it back to us, preferably 3 days prior to your appointment. This not only saves your precious appointment time, but it also allows us to review your file prior so that we can deliver the best treatment possible.
We only take clients who are over 18 years old as we do not have Working with Children Check Certificate by legal requirement.
We ask you not to make an appointment or not to attend your appointment if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, or still recovering from flu or cold. Exercise & Massage is contraindicated for colds & flu.
請尊重我們的預約政策規則。 我們知道生活充滿驚喜和意想不到的情況。我們相信您尊重我們的專業人士,就像我們尊重您作為我們寶貴的客戶一樣。 通過進行預訂,您認知並遵守預約政策。 謝謝你的理解。
在相互尊重中,我們的預約 會 準時開始 和 準時結束。 如果您碰巧遲到,我們將盡可能利用您剩餘的時間做完你的療程,並向您收取你當初預約時間的一樣費用。
範例…如果您預訂了 75 分鐘的療程,然後想將當天的療程縮短至 60 分鐘,您仍將按原來的 75 分鐘預約價格收費。 時間在我們的工作中是寶貴的,我們想確保其他客戶 也可以不必要地錯過 擁有預約 他們需要的時間。
如果你的預約想替換 你的家人 和 朋友,必須在他們來之前提早告知我們,因為療程前我們需要時間看他們之前的療程紀錄的表格,好讓我們更清楚在預約時間內做更好的療程。
如果您需要取消或更改時間,請盡快通知我們,我們需要提前 48 小時或更早,以便其他客戶有機會預訂該時段,這樣我們就不會失去我們自己工作前的努力。
我們不喜歡對您處以罰款,但是如果您在沒有 提前 48 小時通知我們並且超過 2 次 或 無不可抗拒的因素,您將無法提前預約,而進入我們的候補名單。 我們只能在前一天或當天通知您有空檔的預約,以便您可以完成預約。除非你能接受支付 50% / 60% / 70% 的取消費用和更改費用 而獲的前提預約。
* 50% 的取消費用和更改費用 : 無 提前 48 小時通知
* 60% 的取消費用和更改費用 : 無 提前 24 小時通知
* 70% 的取消費用和更改費用 : 無 提前 12小時通知
如果 1次 未出席參與預約(在你的預約時間10分鐘內沒有通知 ),就不能再預約了,除非你能接受支付100%的未出席費用,而獲的再次重新預約。
由於我們是一家小型家庭工作室,空間有限且沒有櫃檯和接待人員,我們懇請您盡可能單獨參加您的預約,和懇請您不要太早或遲到抵達 請準時到,到並且按門鈴。
對於第一次(Initial)拜訪 Posture Link - 客戶,當您預約時,請從我們的網站主頁下載 PDF (表格) 並填寫,然後透過電子郵件(email)發送給我們,我們希望能在預約前 3 天收到。 這不僅可以節省您寶貴的預約時間,還可以讓我們提前了解您的身體狀況,以便我們提供最好的療程。
我們只接受 18 歲以上的客戶,因為我們沒有法律要求的兒童工作檢查證書。
如果您有任何感冒或流感症狀,或者仍在流感或感冒恢復中,我們懇求您不要預約或不參加預約。 運動 和 按摩 是 感冒與流感的禁忌症。