If the time you want to make an Janie Wang' appointment online is already Booked, we can put you on our waiting list and contact you when someone cancels. OR you are a waitlist conditional clients.
If the time you want to make an Janie Wang' appointment online is already Booked, we can put you on our waiting list and contact you when someone cancels. OR you are a waitlist conditional clients.
如果您想在線預約 Janie Wang 的時間已被預訂,我們可以將您列入候補名單,並在有人取消時與您聯繫。 或者你屬於候補名單客戶。
如果您想在線預約 Janie Wang 的時間已被預訂,我們可以將您列入候補名單,並在有人取消時與您聯繫。 或者你屬於候補名單客戶。